Childhood obesity, Electric vehicle stations, Vice president visits Wisconsin, Making tasty drinks without alcohol

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the United Against Hate Summit
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a summit on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo

We discuss legislation in the state Capitol aiming to reduce childhood obesity and expand infrastructure for electric vehicles. Then, Vice President Kamala Harris talks about visiting Wisconsin to advocate for reproductive rights. Then, we talk with a head brewer and a cocktail bar operator about concocting nonalcoholic beverages.

Featured in this Episode

  • State Capitol Report: Task force presents bills to reduce childhood obesity

    Last week, a legislative task force looking to address childhood obesity in Wisconsin released five bills. The head of the task force joins us.

  • State Capitol Report: GOP-backed electric vehicle bills pass Senate

    A pair of Republican-proposed bills recently passed the state Senate addressing electric vehicle infrastructure in Wisconsin. We talk with the Electrification Coalition about the measures as well as efforts to secure federal funding.

  • Vice president visits Wisconsin to advocate for reproductive rights

    Ahead of a Jan. 22 event in Wisconsin advocating for reproductive rights, we spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris about a new nationwide tour and the Biden administration’s response to limits on abortion.

  • Untitled Art’s nonalcoholic brews and how to make great mixed drinks without alcohol

    While “Dry January” is almost over, the market for nonalcoholic beverages is expected to top $1 trillion in coming years. The lead brewer at Untitled Art details the renaissance in nonalcoholic beer. Then, a partner at the hybrid bar Agency explains what makes a great nonalcoholic mixed drink.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Karen Hurd Guest
  • Emma Heins Guest
  • Kamala Harris Guest
  • Sam Green Guest
  • Kat Doughty Guest
  • Keegan Kyle Producer
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Trina La Susa Technical Director