How to reduce deaths involving pregnancy, Meet a turntable manufacturer in Delavan

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
A doctor performs an ultrasound scan on a pregnant woman.
In this Aug. 7, 2018 photo, a doctor performs an ultrasound scan on a pregnant woman at a hospital in Chicago. Teresa Crawford/AP Photo

First, a member of the Wisconsin Maternal Mortality Review Team established by the state health department details how pregnant Wisconsinites are dying and what should be done to prevent these deaths. Later, a company in Delavan making high-end turntables shares how they make their record players.

Featured in this Show

  • Member of Wisconsin's Maternal Mortality Review Team shares recommendations to prevent deaths

    Last month, the Wisconsin Maternal Mortality Review Team released its sixth report of the year detailing how pregnant Wisconsinites die and what could be done to prevent those deaths. We speak with a member of the team, who is also a midwife, about their work to improve maternity care.

  • Delavan company creates high-end turntables

    The Delavan-based company Sota Turntables manufacturers and sells turntables retailing for thousands of dollars each. We speak with the president of the company to learn more about this niche market.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Ann Ledbetter Guest
  • Christan Griego Guest