Labor Unions In The Current Election Season, Where Do We Go With Sex Education Amidst #MeToo?, Wisconsinites Discuss Their Feelings Toward Prescription Drugs

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Students in a sex education class
In this Oct. 8, 2015, photo, Nathan Zanecki, right, speaks next to Marta Baumann during a ninth-grade Teen Talk High School class at Carlmont High School in Belmont, Calif. Sex education in some American high schools is evolving beyond pregnancy and disease prevention to include lessons aimed at curbing sexual assaults. AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

For parents and educators who take on the challenge of providing sexual education to young adults, the #MeToo movement might be a reason to create new or additional lesson plans. A guest gives advice on encouraging conversations about body positivity and boundaries for young people. We also take a look at how the role of labor unions has changed in past elections. And we learn how Wisconsinites feel about prescription drug prices.

Featured in this Show

  • How Labor Unions Are Impacting 2018 Elections

    Historically, labor unions have been a major force in U.S politics. But, have political losses in recent years changed what their role is today? We discuss how legislation has impacted labor unions power in Wisconsin and how union affiliation is playing out in 2018 races.

  • Amidst the #MeToo, #WhyIDidntReport Movements, How Do We Talk About Sex Education?

    In an era of #MeToo and sexual assault allegations, what should good sex education entail? Our guest has advice for parents and educators looking to navigate the waters of 21st century sex-ed, and says that conversations about consent, boundaries and body positivity are crucial.

  • Beyond the Ballot: Prescription Drug Price Edition

    This election season, Wisconsin Public Radio is meeting people where they are, in their communities, to talk about the issues that matter most to them. As part of our ongoing conversations about the Beyond the Ballot project, we look at how Wisconsinites are dealing with prescription drug prices.

Episode Credits

  • John Munson Host
  • Jana Rose Schleis Producer
  • Breann Schossow Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Daniel Bice Guest
  • Bridgit Bowden Guest