Leader of state Legislature’s budget-writing committee, Wisconsin Ag Day, Thousands of congregations leaving United Methodist Church

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Wisconsin Republican law makers at a news conference
State Rep. Mark Born, co-chair of the Legislature’s budget-writing committee, during a news conference at the state Capitol Thursday, May 6, 2021, in Madison. Scott Bauer/AP Photo

A co-chair of the state Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee shares his agenda and responds to Gov. Tony Evers’ State of the State address. Then, a representative from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation gives a preview of Ag Day at the Capitol. Then, several Methodist pastors discuss the largest denominational schism since the Civil War.

Featured in this Episode

  • State Capitol Report: GOP legislator talks proposed tax cuts and other politics news

    A co-chair of the Legislature’s budget-writing committee, Republican state Rep. Mark Born, joins the program. We discuss a GOP tax cut proposal as the Legislative Fiscal Bureau releases new revenue projections.

  • State Capitol Report: Preview of Ag Day at the Capitol

    Wednesday starts Ag Day at the state Capitol where farmers representing a wide variety of agricultural groups meet with lawmakers and share priorities.

  • How Wisconsin is responding to a schism in the United Methodist Church

    Roughly one-quarter of United Methodist Church communities are splitting from the country’s second-largest protestant faith, including dozens from Wisconsin. We get perspectives from church leadership and pastors from local communities that disaffiliated and remained after the December deadline.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Mark Born Guest
  • Jason Mugnaini Guest
  • Brian Gilbert Guest
  • Stan Pegram Guest
  • Krysta Deede Guest
  • Cathy Weigand Guest
  • Keegan Kyle Producer
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Royce Podeszwa Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director