Mayville Engineering Company prepares to acquire new company, Pharmacists prescribing birth control

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Heard On The Morning Show
Sparks fly as a welder works on a frame for a school bus
Sparks fly as a welder works on a frame for a school bus. AP Photo/David Goldman

The CEO of Wisconsin based Mayville Engineering Company shares an update on the fabrication industry. Plus, we learn why the company is acquiring Mid-States Aluminum Corp. Then, we hear about a new bill that would allow pharmacists to prescribe birth control.

Featured in this Show

  • CEO of Mayville Engineering Company shares industry update

    According to Fabricator Magazine, Mayville Engineering Company is the number one U.S. fabricator for the 13th consecutive year. The CEO of the Wisconsin-based company joins the show to talk about operations and the future of fabrication.

  • Wisconsin Assembly passes bill to allow pharmacists to prescribe birth control

    This week, the Wisconsin Assembly passed a bill that would allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense birth control. We talk with a leader of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin about how this bill would affect local pharmacists.

Episode Credits

  • Shereen Siewert Host
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Trina La Susa Technical Director
  • Jag Reddy Guest
  • Danielle Womack Guest

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