One month from tax deadline, Federal budget proposals, Wool production in Wisconsin

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
A stack of money on a table.
Cash of varying amounts on a table. Steven Potter/WPR

The leader of Wisconsin’s Department of Revenue discusses how this tax season is shaping up and the agency’s estimates for future tax collections. Then, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provides analysis on President Joe Biden’s proposed federal budget. Then, we discuss the wool industry in Wisconsin. 

Featured in this Episode

  • Tax season updates with top state official

    Tax Day is one month away. We talk with the head of the state’s Department of Revenue for a review of this year’s tax season. 

  • Biden’s proposed federal budget

    President Joe Biden proposed a $7.3 trillion budget for 2025, but Republicans in Congress are likely to oppose much of it. We talk with a tax policy analyst about what’s in the budget, how federal budgets get passed and what the spending plan could mean for Wisconsin.

  • From sheep to fiber: Wisconsin wool

    Humans have been washing, weaving and wearing wool for thousands of years. However, wool production in Wisconsin is down from past decades. We hear from a range of voices, including The Huber family in Oxford that’s been shearing sheep for 70 years, on how the textile makes it from sheep to fiber. 

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Peter Barca Guest
  • Kris Cox Guest
  • Heather Pearce Guest
  • Tami Bowser Guest
  • Martha Buche Guest
  • Keegan Kyle Executive Producer
  • Royce Podeszwa Producer
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director