State Capitol Report: How cities might use shared revenue, How a liberal Supreme Court could affect Wisconsin

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Wisconsin State Capitol at night
Joe Tarr/ WPR

A panel of city leaders discusses how additional state funding could affect local government services. Then, we explore how a shift in power on Wisconsin’s high court could affect future rulings.

Featured in this Show

  • City managers welcome more state revenue but envision a better system

    Under a new shared revenue formula, Wisconsin municipalities will receive more money from the state to pay for critical services provided by their police, fire and highway departments. We talk with three city leaders about how the new shared revenue formula will and won’t impact their communities.

  • How a liberal-leaning state Supreme Court might affect Wisconsin's politics

    This week, the balance of power on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court swings from conservative to liberal control. We discuss the implications of this change with a retired political scientist who previously advised the court on redrawing Wisconsin’s election maps.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Avery Lea Rogers Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Mark Rohloff Guest
  • Stephanie Hirsch Guest
  • Anthony Penterman Guest
  • Edward Miller Guest