What To Expect This Inauguration Day, New State Dementia Initiative

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Tony Evers, gubernatorial campaign, Premier Park Hotel, Madison, governor, state superintendent, DPI, primary election
Tony Evers, state superintendent of Public Instruction, waves to attendees of his campaign party on Tuesday, Aug. 14 at the Best Western Premier Park Hotel after winning the Democratic primary for governor. 

Inauguration day is here. We talk with our State Capitol Bureau Chief about what to expect from the inaugural festivities. We also take a look at a new state dementia plan to provide cost-effective care to those experiencing Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias.

Featured in this Show

  • State Capitol Report: Inauguration Day

    Governor-Elect Tony Evers takes office Monday. We talk with Wisconsin Public Radio’s State Capitol Bureau Chief about what to watch on Inauguration Day, plus consider next steps for the new governor and legislature.

  • State Capitol Report: State Plan For Alzheimer's Disease And Related Dementias

    A state plan that’ll be implemented starting this year aims to help those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. We talk to a guest from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Services about how these diseases affect Wisconsinites and dig into the specifics of the plan, which aims to address health care, crisis-response for people with dementia, facility-based care and care in the community.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Breann Schossow Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Shawn Johnson Guest
  • Carrie Molke Guest