Wisconsin Lawmakers Dispute Over Colin Kaepernick, What We Think Of Gray Hair As A Society

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show

Wisconsin lawmakers are debating whether or not Milwaukee-born quarterback Colin Kaepernick should be included on a list of African-Americans being honored by the Legislature for Black History Month. We also talk about how gray hair is received in today’s society.

Featured in this Show

  • Wisconsin Lawmakers' Fight Over Colin Kaepernick

    Democrats and Republicans in the state legislature have been fighting a public battle over whether to include Colin Kaepernick’s name in a resolution honoring Black History Month. We learn the latest.

  • Going Gray: Fashion, Social Implications And The Biology Of Hair

    From “light ash” to “deep gunmetal,” gray hair has established itself among the top color trends of the day. We discuss how and why the cultural tides have shifted with a fashion writer. Then, a scientist helps us get to the root of what causes us to gray.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Laura Pavin Producer
  • Jessie Opoien Guest
  • Rory Satran Guest
  • Melissa Harris Guest

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