Dec. 3, 2015: CAP Services and the Impact of Karl Pnazek

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Karl Pnazek

This Thursday, December 3rd at 10 am, Wisconsin Public Radio’s Route 51 looks at the impact of CAP Services of Stevens Point and its former President and CEO, the late Karl Pnazek. As leader of one of America’s most effective and influential Community Action Programs, Mr. Pnazek created and implemented innovative solutions to pressing problems, bettering the lives of many struggling people in Central Wisconsin and the cities, villages and towns they lived in. Host Glen Moberg will moderate a discussion with Mary Patoka, current President and CEO of CAP Services of Stevens Point; journalist and author Bill Berry, who worked with Mr. Pnazek on a number of his initiatives; and David Bradley, the Executive Director of the National Community Action Foundation in Washington DC. Community Action Programs were created by the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act as part of the U.S. Government’s War on Poverty.