On the Road at the Woodson Art Museum

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51

This week, Route 51 takes the show on the road to the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau for a special program before a live audience, to unveil the museum’s new exhibit, Botanicals: Environmental Expressions in Art (The Alisa and Isaac M. Sutton Collection). Our guest will be Isaac Sutton himself, talking about his substantial and significant collection of botanical paintings, showcasing the natural beauty of both rare and common horticultural species. Many of the works will be on display in the galleries at the Woodson Museum. James J. White of Carnegie Mellon University writes: “Sutton feels that botanical art should be recognized as the melding of art and science that both inspires and educates. More recently he has concentrated on ecological and environmental issues, both personally and professionally.”