Sept. 17, 2015: 40th Anniversary of “Birds in Art”

Air Date:
Heard On Route 51
Walter T. Matia, “Where the Buffalo Roamed,” 2014, bronze

This Thursday, September 17th at 10 am, Wisconsin Public Radio’s Route 51 looks at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum’s 40th annual Birds in Art exhibit, with Museum Director Kathy Kelsey Foley, and one of this year’s featured artists, Walter Matia, who contributed a sculpture of endangered prairie chickens for the exhibit, (pictured above).

Host Glen Moberg will ask Foley and Matia about the international recognition Birds in Art has garnered for the past forty years, and about the connection between wildlife art and the environmental protection of wildlife habitat. The program will also feature interviews with five of the other artists featured at the exhibit, recorded during the opening day celebration.

Episode Credits

  • Glen Moberg Host
  • Kathy Kelsey Foley Guest
  • Walter Matia Guest