State Capitol Report: Conversation With Co-Chairs Of Wisconsin Future Caucus

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Wisconsin State Capitol In Winter
katie wheeler (CC-BY-NC)

Earlier this year, a bipartisan group of lawmakers came together to form what they call the Wisconsin Future Caucus. The group aims to serve as a platform for issues affecting future generations. The groups is part of a broader effort by the Millennial Action Project, which has been working to form such caucuses across the country. At this time, 18 other states and Congress have such groups.

Join us as we talk with the co-chairs of the Wisconsin Future Caucus during this half of the State Capitol Report to learn more about this effort and what issues they think matter more to future generations of Wisconsinites.

Listeners, we want to hear from you!

  • What issues do you think young people and future generations face in Wisconsin? What about in the nation?

  • Do you think young people will be able to come up with solutions to solve issues like polarization or partisan gridlock? Why or why not?

  • Young people and young leaders, let us know – what do you need to succeed in the state?

Let us know your thoughts by calling 800-642-1234 during the show. You can also share your ideas and experiences by emailing, posting on The Ideas Network Facebook page and mentioning @wprmornings on Twitter.

Episode Credits

  • John Munson Host
  • Breann Schossow Producer
  • Adam Neylon Guest
  • Amanda Stuck Guest