University Of The Air

Hosts Norman Gilliland and Emily Auerbach invite distinguished faculty guests from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to discuss topics in music, art, writing, theater, science, education and history.


WPR News, Sundays, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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  • Fredric March

    In recent years Wisconsin native Fredric March has been criticized for his participation in a questionable student organization at the University of Wisconsin. But in addition to being a brilliant […]

    Fredric March
  • Banished Mexican American Women

    New oral histories reveal that during the Great Depression, the U.S. government banished thousands of Mexican American women to Mexico, including many who were American citizens.

    Banished Mexican American Women
  • The Victorians and the Birth of Modern Britain

    Britain in the 1840s was wracked by poverty, unrest, and uncertainty. There were attempts to assassinate the queen and her prime minister, and the ruling class lived in fear of […]

    The Victorians and the Birth of Modern Britain
  • The Exciting Soil Under Your Feet

    Jo Handelsman is the Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Vilas Research Professor, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor. She previously served as a science advisor to President Barack Obama as the Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Her lab…

    The Exciting Soil Under Your Feet
  • The Art and Science of Presidential Rhetoric

    One of the most famous of cold War speeches is JFK’s address to citizens of a divided Berlin on June 26, 1963-a speech epitomizing the divide between the US and its Allies on one side of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union and its buffer states on the other. During the Cold War, several…

    The Art and Science of Presidential Rhetoric

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