Volunteering after retirement, Redistricting recusal and impeachment

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Heard On Central Time
Elderly hands on cane
An elderly person’s hands on a cane Pixabay

A philanthropy expert makes the case for volunteering after retirement. Then, we talk to a law professor about the issues surrounding impeachment and recusal in the redistricting case in Wisconsin.

Featured in this Show

  • Why we need more retiree volunteers

    Volunteering after retirement has been proven to benefit your physical and mental health, in addition to benefiting your community. Still, only 21% of the country’s 70 million retirees volunteer. So why haven’t we been able to fully harness the power of such an experienced group? We talk to a philanthropy expert about the benefits of getting involved, and what we can do to make volunteering more accessible and appealing for seniors.

  • The legal questions surrounding recusal and impeachment in Wisconsin's redistricting lawsuit

    Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz has faced impeachment threats for declining to recuse herself from a lawsuit over redistricting in Wisconsin. A UW-Madison law professor joins us to look at the legal precedents at issue and where the case could go from here.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Lisa Dietlin Guest
  • Robert Yablon Guest

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