Community fireworks, Waupun inmates’ families, Barn Hunt dog sport

Air Date:
Heard On Wisconsin Today
We talk about a decline in community fireworks shows, and how to stay safe using personal fireworks.

We talk about fireworks safety and learn about what it takes to put on a community-level fireworks display. Then family members from current and deceased Waupun Correctional Institute prisoners share their stories. And we talk about a new sport for dogs gaining popularity in Wisconsin.

Featured in this Episode

  • Fireworks 101

    We learn what goes into organizing a community fireworks show with Monona Community Festival, which is hosting its final Fourth of July celebration this year. Then, we hear tips from the Oshkosh Fire Department about how to stay safe if using personal fireworks.

  • Perspectives from families of Waupun inmates

    For the past 15 months Waupun Correctional Institution in Dodge County has been in turmoil: Four prisoners have died, several workers have been criminally charged, officials have resigned and local and federal authorities have launched a series of investigations. We get perspectives from two people whose family has been or is currently incarcerated.

  • Wisconsin Life

    We hear a story about sports and parenting.

  • Barn Hunt drives dog instincts, growing in popularity

    More than 2,400 dogs are registered in the sport of Barn Hunt in Wisconsin. This summer, several events are happening across the state. We talk with the sport’s founder as well as the co-owner of a local Barn Hunt club to learn more.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • John Holland Guest
  • Eric Redding Guest
  • Tresa Hewlett Guest
  • Megan Hoffmann Kolb Guest
  • Sue Kendall Guest
  • Robin Nuttall Guest
  • Dean Knetter Executive Producer
  • Tim Peterson Managing Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Courtney Everett Producer