State agency audits, K-12 testing changes, Mushroom foraging

Air Date:
Heard On Wisconsin Today
Foraged mushrooms
Foraged Wisconsin mushrooms. Mackenzie Krumme/WPR

We talk with the co-chair of the state legislature’s audit committee about why he’s pursuing audits of the DNR and Department of Public Instruction. We also look at what new standards for school tests mean for Wisconsin students. Plus, a journey into the woods to learn about the state’s mushrooms.

Featured in this Episode

  • State Senator discusses audits of DPI and DNR

    The state legislature’s audit committee recently approved financial audits of the Department of Public Instruction and a DNR program. The committee co-chair joins us to talk about why he’s pursuing the audits.

  • The impact of closing assisted living facilities

    As more Wisconsin assisted living facilities face financial trouble, we hear about the impact of those who rely on them when they close.

  • What changes in standardized test scoring means for K-12 students

    The state Department of Public Instruction is changing the thresholds for different ratings on some standardized tests. We find out more about the change and how it fits into Wisconsin’s recent history of handling school tests.

  • Wisconsin Life: Klover microphones

    We learn about the ins and outs of a Wisconsin-made microphone.

  • Wisconsin mushroom foragers can qualify to supply restaurants

    Recently the state started regulating who can sell wild mushrooms to restaurants and other food establishments. We hear what it’s like to be in the field trying to differentiate between the thousands of species of mushrooms. Then we hear from the vice president of the Wisconsin Mycological Society about becoming a “certified identifier.”

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Eric Wimberger Guest
  • Alan Borsuk Guest
  • Tavis Lynch Guest
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Mackenzie Krumme Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director