Traffic calming, Teaching during an election year, Sustainable cheesemaking

Air Date:
Heard On Wisconsin Today
Two men in the process of making cheese
Andy Hatch and an employee of Uplands Cheese in Dodgeville, WI work in the farm’s creamery. Photo courtesy of Uplands Cheese.

We hear how efforts to slow down traffic in Milwaukee are going and if they could be applied elsewhere. We also talk with social studies teachers about how they’re talking about the election in their classrooms. Plus, two cheesemakers discuss why pasture grazing their cows is so important.

Featured in this Episode

  • Efforts to reduce reckless driving in Milwaukee

    Milwaukee officials say things like curb bump outs and bike lanes are helping to slow drivers down. We hear about the efforts to make traffic safer and if they could be applied elsewhere.

  • Fond du Lac plans for future of closed campus

    WPR reporter Joe Schultz discusses the potential future for UW-Oshkosh’s two year campus in Fond du Lac after its closing.

  • How K-12 teachers are approaching social studies in an election year

    As the presidential election enters the final stretch, social studies teachers in Wisconsin are tasked with figuring out how to teach their students about potentially polarizing political topics. We talk to a teacher and an education researcher about how Wisconsin teachers are covering this year’s election and other current issues in their classrooms

  • Wisconsin Life: Milwaukee meets the Beatles

    We go back 60 years to revisit the one and only show the Beatles played in Wisconsin.

  • Wisconsin cheesemakers talk sustainable practices

    An Osseo cheesemaker recently won a national award for developing a cheddar through sustainable farming practices. A Dodgeville cheesemaker recently appeared on “Top Chef: Wisconsin” for creating an award-winning alpine cheese. We talk with the producers about farming and cheesemaking.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Robert Schneider Guest
  • Jeremy Stoddard Guest
  • Sarah Kopplin Guest
  • Inga Witscher-Orth Guest
  • Andy Hatch Guest
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Courtney Everett Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director

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