Wisconsin home loans record, Tension over nursing schools in Madison and Milwaukee, Home kits modeled after Frank Lloyd Wright

Air Date:
Heard On Wisconsin Today
Frank Lloyd Wright, Library of Congress (public domain)
We talk about Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired home kits. Image: Library of Congress (public domain)

We talk with a guest from the WHEDA about the high dollar amount of home loans extended last year. Then we learn about plans for Arizona College of Nursing schools in Wisconsin’s largest cities. And former professor at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture talks about designing home kits.

Featured in this Episode

  • WHEDA sets record for home loans

    The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority surpassed its previous record for the number and dollar amount of home loans extended. We talk about the state of the housing market in Wisconsin and beyond.

  • For-profit nursing school clears hurdle to open Milwaukee campus, eyes Madison location next year

    The for-profit Arizona College of Nursing recently cleared a significant hurdle to opening their Milwaukee campus as they plan to open a location in Wisconsin’s two biggest cities by the end of next year. A reporter and an advocate pushing against the location join us.

  • Wisconsin-based architect designed Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired build kits

    Aris Georges, a graduate of and former professor at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, designed the kits for Lindal Cedar Homes. 

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Robert Stafslein Guest
  • Quinton Cotton Guest
  • Cleo Krejci Guest
  • Aris Georges Guest
  • Dean Knetter Executive Producer
  • Tim Peterson Managing Producer
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director