WHSA FM 89.9 Technical Information

This is the mathematically-predicted coverage area of the station. Your results may vary depending on your particular radio receiver performance, antenna characteristics, terrain, interference from other electronic devices, weather conditions, etc.
Station:WHSA FM
Frequency:89.9 MHz (FCC Channel 210C1)
City of License:Brule, Wisconsin
Some Cities CoveredBrule, Superior, Hayward, Cable, Duluth, MN
Station Licensee:Wisconsin Educational Communications Board
Power:92 kW ERP
Antenna Height:355′ (108m) AGL, 515′ (157m) HAAT
Tower Registration#:1280552
WPR Network Service:WPR News
Regional Studio:UW-Superior, 1805 Catlin Ave, Superior, WI
FCC Public Inspection File:https://publicfiles.fcc.gov/fm-profile/whsa