Reach the best audience in all of media. Become a WPR sponsor today.

Reach more than a million WPR users on air
and online each month.
Since 1917 Wisconsin Public Radio has provided news, music, conversation, and entertainment programs to inform, inspire and build communities throughout Wisconsin and around the world.
Today, WPR reaches more than a million people on air and online each month:
302,900 weekly listeners on air statewide.
830,000 monthly users streaming audio at
Contact one of our team members today!
WPR Audience Profile

- Affluent: $110,500 median household income
- Educated: 73% more likely to be a college graduate
- Engaged: Socially responsible, creative, independent lifelong learners
Public radio listeners are 3x as likely to drive social trends, influence mass opinion and create word of mouth ideas and products.
Source: 2023 NPR Audience Profile MRISimmons
Doublebase Fall 2022

They are highly connected active social people who participate in 3 or more
community or public service activities on a regular basis.
Source: 2023 NPR Audience Profile MRISimmons
Doublebase Fall 2022
Three in four listeners say their opinion of a company is more positive when they learn that it sponsors public radio.
Source: 2021 NPR Audience Profile MRI-Simmons Doublebase Fall 2021

Sponsorship Opportunities
On-Air Sponsorships
Reach our amazing audience with 15-second radio announcements
- Over 300,000 listeners each week
- Target your audiences with regional or statewide campaigns.
- Reach WPR News and WPR Music audiences.
With WPR reporters in eight local bureaus across the state — plus NPR and BBC national and global coverage — WPR News offers an unparalleled mix of journalism from Wisconsin, the nation and the world all day, every day.
WPR Music offers locally-hosted classical music seven days a week with jazz, world and folk music each weekend. Our expert hosts will keep you company
day and night with beautiful, expertly curated music and performances you can’t find anywhere else.
Digital Sponsorships
Be seen on some of the most popular websites in public media
- Average of 1 million pageviews each month
- Your logo and message with a click through to your site