Stock Gifts

You count on Wisconsin Public Radio for independent journalism, thought-provoking discussions, world-class music and quality entertainment. Member support is the largest source of funding for this essential service. Thank you for considering a gift of stock or mutual funds today!

To initiate a stock gift to WPR:

1. Contact your broker and tell them what stock/mutual funds you want to donate and how many shares

2. Ask them to include your name and contact information with the gift.

Have them transfer the stock via WPR’s broker:

The Gehler Luedke Group
Attn: Megan Mitby
8000 Excelsior Drive Suite 302
Madison, WI 53717

Account Name: Wisconsin Public Radio Association, Inc.
Federal Tax ID: 23-7363536
Account #: 8748-9258
DTC #: 0547

3. To ensure we acknowledge your stock gift, let WPR know your gift is coming by contacting us at 800-383-9772 or Tell us how many shares of what stock/mutual fund to expect so we can identify them when they arrive.

Benefits of giving stock

Because WPR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, when you donate stock/mutual funds to WPR, you receive a two-fold tax savings if your stock was held for more than one year:

  • Your tax deduction will be based on the full fair market value of the stock.
  • You won’t pay capital gains tax on the increase in the stock’s value.

If you have questions, and to let us know your gift is coming, contact WPR at 800-383- 9772 or Thank you!