County forests abound in northern Wisconsin, but state aid for untaxed land lags behind inflation
Bayfield County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison spoke with WPR’s Robin Washington on “Morning Edition” about efforts by the counties to increase aid provided from the state to offset untaxed county forest lands that hasn’t kept up with inflation.
Wisconsinites can get free tax help
There are sites at local schools, libraries and nonprofits, mostly staffed by volunteers.
Wisconsin communities still turning to public safety referendums after passage of shared revenue law
Municipalities across Wisconsin are still asking residents to approve referendums to fund public safety even after a sweeping measure to send more money to local governments was passed in 2023.
Wisconsin residents can file their taxes directly to the IRS for free in 2025
Wisconsinites started the 2025 tax season on Monday with a new tool — free access to software that sends their returns straight to the IRS.
State Senate minority leader says budget surplus should be used in part for K-12 education
Sen. Dianne Hesselbein now has four newly-elected Democrats in her caucus, eliminating the previous Republican supermajority and giving Democrats a greater say in what happens to the state budget.
Wisconsinites pay less of their income in taxes than ever, report says
Republicans lawmakers, who pushed repeatedly last legislative session for tax cuts, celebrated the report’s findings.
Rep. Gwen Moore predicts President-elect Trump’s tax proposals will need bipartisan support
In January, Republicans will have control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate along with the Presidency. Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore weighs in on some of the tax proposals likely to come up in the new Congress.
Social Security at 90: The financial status of the US’s largest federal program
UW-Madison Professor Emerita Karen Holden visited “The Larry Meiller Show” to discuss the current and future solvency of the Social Security program.
Last year’s total property tax levies across Wisconsin saw biggest increase since 2007
Total property tax levies approved by local governments across Wisconsin last year saw their largest increase since 2007, according to the Wisconsin Policy Forum.
Madison voters will decide on property tax increase in November
City officials say limited state revenue and waning pandemic aid are among the factors fueling a projected $22 million budget gap.