Report: Local recycling budgets are stressed as state aid has dropped
A new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum has found that recycling services are stressing local government budgets due in part to a decline in state aid.
Visitors add glass to a 36-foot Christmas tree at Yerkes Observatory
Alongside the tree, which the artists claim is the tallest glass tree in the world, there’s a market with local vendors selling craft gifts, art exhibitions and classes, and a warm tent with food and beverages.
Repair Cafe Oshkosh joins global effort to reduce waste, fix broken items
A new community organization in Oshkosh is helping residents fix their broken household items free of charge, and it’s part of a global movement.
Northwoods tribal leader reflects on 40th anniversary of court protecting treaty rights
This year marks the 40th anniversary of a landmark ruling that reaffirmed the 1837 treaty rights of a northern Wisconsin tribe to hunt, fish and gather on ceded territory. In […]
Wisconsin’s Driftless region is the setting for Rebecca Gilman’s off-Broadway play, ‘Swing State’
In a lower Manhattan off-Broadway theater, tucked away from the traffic and bright lights, an old farm house nestled on 40 acres of remnant prairie introduces theatergoers to a Wisconsin […]
Green Bay paper mill becomes first certified as net zero for water use
While Green Bay is a national leader in paper production, the paper industry has left an environmental stain on the Fox Valley region and Lake Michigan. But Wisconsin’s newest papermill, […]
New recycling technique developed in Wisconsin could help keep flexible plastics out of landfills
A University of Wisconsin-Madison professor and a Green Bay company are working together to upscale a new recycling technique that could help keep flexible plastics out of landfills. The project […]
Less garbage going into Wisconsin landfills means less potential money for environmental programs
The amount of trash heading to Wisconsin landfills fell by nearly 25 percent between 2007 and 2021, driven largely by a sharp increase in fees and reduced consumption during the […]
Tips to avoid holiday waste this giving season
When families and friends gather this season for holiday celebrations, they’re often left not just with happy memories, but with mountains of leftover food and discarded gift packaging. The Wisconsin […]
Appleton group gives, receives gifts to connect neighbors and create community
When Sarah Scanlan met a woman she messaged on Facebook in her Appleton garden, she expected to give away camomile tea leaves. But then the two connected over composting, too, […]