Congressman outlines Farm Bill alternative, Navy decommissions USS Milwaukee

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Heard On The Morning Show
Corn waits to be harvested on land.
Corn waits to be harvested on land leased by Tempe Farming Co., Thursday, July 22, 2021, in Casa Grande, Ariz. Darryl Webb/AP Photo

The U.S. Farm Bill is set to expire at the end of this month. An Oregon congressman shares a different vision for the legislation and what it could mean for Wisconsin. Then, a reporter explains why the Navy is decommissioning the USS Milwaukee.

Featured in this Show

  • An alternative to the Farm Bill

    Originally passed during the Great Depression, the Farm Bill has vast power over food and farming in our country. It has been criticized for favoring large industries and inadequately addressing hunger and sustainable farming. We talk with a congressman from Oregon about his alternative.

  • Wisconsin-built Navy ships costly and prone to failure

    The Navy decommissioned the USS Milwaukee this month after eight years of operation. It was one of a class of Navy combat vessels built in Wisconsin and prone to mechanical failure. Despite costing $500 million each, Congress built more than the Navy wanted. A ProPublica reporter joins us.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Joe Tarr Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer Guest
  • Joaquin Sapien Guest

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