State Capitol Report: Strategies to combat human trafficking, Introducing the state’s new toxicologist

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Fluffy clouds floating above the Wisconsin Capitol
Joe Tarr/ WPR

We hear about efforts to stop human trafficking in Sheboygan and what state officials could learn from them. Then we meet Wisconsin’s new toxicologist and talk about challenges facing forensic labs.

Featured in this Show

  • The statewide effort against human trafficking

    A Legislature task force on human trafficking recently held a public hearing in Oshkosh and received testimony from organizations across the region. We learn about efforts to reduce human trafficking in Sheboygan County as lawmakers seek guidance.

  • Wisconsin's new state toxicologist

    This month, longtime chemist and forensic toxicologist Amy Miles was appointed as Wisconsin state toxicologist. Miles joins us to look at issues facing forensic labs around the state.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Avery Lea Rogers Producer
  • Trevor Hook Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director
  • Brandon Kehoe Guest
  • Beth Heilman Guest
  • Amy Miles Guest

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